Mutual By-laws
Management Agreement
All policies related to Mutual 1 are posted here.
01-7010-3 Mergers of Mutuals
01-7020-3 Approval of Escrows
01-7021-3 Limitations of Shareholders
01-7030-3 Returned Payment Fees
01-7206-3 Resident Communication at Monthly Meetings
01-7211-3 Proxy Card Form
01-7306-3 Banking Resolution
01-7307-3 Signature Requirement of Checks
01-7331-3 Impound Account Agreement
01-7401-3 Licensed and Insured Contractors List
01-7415-4 Licensing and Indemnity Agreement for Encroachment
01-7461-3 Lateral Sewer Cleaning
01-7508-4 Carport and Estate Sales Form
01-7510-3 Eligibility Requirements
01-7530-3 Withdrawal Repair Deposit of Seller
01-7545-3 Inspection Fee, Inheriting Share of Stock
01-7545.2-3 Procedure for Membership Changes
01-7546-3 Nonresident Co-Owner Residency-Inheriting Share of Stock
01-7709-3 Escape Tax Deposit
01-7711-3 Stock and membership Transfers Outside Escrow
01-7712-3 Stock and Membership Transfers Affected by Escrow